Monday, March 25, 2013

Unable to Keep Silent

Just this morning, I had to write my personal testimony of God's faithfulness in pursuing me. Despite my sin. Despite my depravity. Despite my unbelief. He pursued me! And over a period of time, He convinced me that His love was unearned, unmerited and completely unconditional. He simply accepted me where I was. He then asked me to come alongside Him to know Him and to allow Him to teach me. He has taken me through a long, intense sanctification process (and still is). I've had many strongholds (wrong mindsets) in my mind that would confuse me about who God is. I simply did not see Him clearly. Yet, He has been so patient with me! He should have given up on me long ago, but He didn't. He has proven that I am valued in his eyes. He is so loving, good and merciful. And I just can't keep silent as I recall all He's done in my life! He is deserving of my praise!

My friend, Tami, has a blog and asked many of her friends to share their testimonies on it, including me. In November of last year, I did. She told me I was free to share the link so that others could read it. I was too timid to do that--I felt I would be drawing attention to myself. But, no! Absolutely not! I would be drawing attention to God! I have become so tired of that mindset that I've decided I am not going to shut up about what God's done in my life. Peter and John (Acts 4:13-22) were threatened to stop preaching in the name of Jesus. But they answered them,"...we are unable to stop speaking about what we have seen and heard." 

Click here to read my story on her blog (and feel free to "follow" her; I do!) I hope it encourages you to share your own story with others who need to hear it. I am one of them.

"Your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." Isaiah 26:8

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