Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Launching Out

I didn't know quite how to begin this blog.  I've been thinking about it for over 2 months.  I have felt God leading me to do it, but have been waiting for an epiphany with a spoken message like, "Thus saith the Lord...."  It didn't happen.  And I've been sitting and waiting.  Sometimes, I think we just need to move in faith and DO SOMETHING.

In Luke 5, Peter, a professional fisherman by trade (and probably quite good at it), was found early one morning cleaning his nets.  Jesus had His eye on him.  Peter was probably frustrated because he and his cohorts had toiled all night and caught nothing.  Before you know it, Jesus got into Peter's boat.  Peter's boat represented his life.  It's what he did, what he knew and what he had just recently failed at.  And Jesus asks him to put out a little from the land.  I've wondered if the last thing Peter wanted to do was get back in that boat?  But back in the boat he went with Jesus, pushing it away from the shore.  This enabled the multitude to see and hear Jesus right there from Peter's boat.  Peter's life. And most recently, Peter's failure.  (Oh--I know--Peter has much bigger failures later in his story.)   After speaking to the crowd, Jesus hones in on Peter and says, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch."  Apprehensively, Peter does it.  Everyone's watching.  It's pretty risky.  But at Jesus' word, he launched out and let down his freshly cleaned nets into the Sea of Galilee (aka Lake of Gennesaret).  Nets broke. The boat began sinking from the weight of a multitude of fish.  A great catch!  Peter is face to face with an acute awareness and awe that the Messiah stands before him--humbled and conscious of his own human frailty and sin.  Jesus then said, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men."  Amazed and awed, Peter and his party forsook all and followed Him.  Launched out into the deep and wide unknown.  And the multitude were near, witnesses to this miracle.  Again, where did this take place?  All from Peter's boat.  Is it safe to say his boat had been his identity?  Now his identity was no longer merely "fisherman," but "Fisher of Men," because Jesus had called Him, invited him to launch out and follow Him.  Despite his failures.  Others learned from it, while Peter was changed by it.

Priscilla Shirer spoke on this series of Scripture once and I was so touched by the message.  So I ask anyone who is reading, what is God asking you to "launch out" and do, in faith?  This is my "launching out" for now.  It may not seem like a big deal to you, but for me it's kinda risky opening up my life to the world.  It is what's kept me quiet.  But keeping quiet is not exercising faith if God is asking me to share my life with others.  And I want to please God.  I want to honor Him with my failures, successes, joys and disappointments, from the boat of my life.  And I believe you do, too.


Melissa said...

This is a great post. So full of truth & so encouraging! Thank you. :)

And, girl... blogging is awesome. I have been blogging for a little over 3 years & i have met SO MANY people across the US that i just love & am thankful for. I don't mean crazy internet stalkers, i mean women of faith who are in the same stage of life that we are! They have lifted me up through blogging & I have done the same for them. It's just awesome. I love it & think people who don't blog are missing out! ;) But i know it's not for everyone!

Thanks for the encouraging word in this post!


Anonymous said...

That was a beautiful and powerful word! Thank you for sharing that. It immediately brought tears to my eyes, but what did you expect? I'm reading my sister's blog and reading God's powerful, living Word at the same time! I'm overwhelmed with joy by both of you!

I looked up "launch" and it means: set (a boat) in motion by pushing it or allowing it to roll into the water. Well, my sweet Jennifer,... "He pushed".......and "you ALLOWED"!!

I love u!


P. S. Stick with Jesus. (wink, wink);)

Unknown said...

Thanks, Melissa, for commenting! Your blogs are beautiful! I look forward to learning about this brave new world (at least to me)!

Unknown said...

Thank you for such a touching, encouraging note, to say the least! Not only do we have the bond of being sisters by blood, but in Christ, which makes the bond all the more stronger. How blessed am I to have you! XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

I have always admired your sincere heart, and I truly admire your courage. I am blessed to call you my "sister-in-love" and my "sister in Christ". I heard Bernie Moore preach on this story, and he stressed how tired Peter and his men were after being up all night and then having to drag the nets in which required a great deal of physical labor. I am sure Peter was stunned when he heard Jesus say to launch out into the deep and cast your nets again. However, he obeyed, and I want to thank you for obeying God's call on your life. Many times in His word, Jesus reminds us to "Be not afraid." Thank you for encouraging us to launch out and cast our nets. All it takes is faith!
Love you so much,

Unknown said...

My "sis in love," thank you for your sweet words. I am so grateful God planned for you to be my brother's wife, for I also got another sister! Your unapologetic love for the Lord is inspiring and makes me love Him more. I love you dearly and thank God that you were placed in my life, for you are truly a blessing beyond words. XOXO, Jennifer